For my 2015 AtoZ Challenge I'm featuring...
*4 random words/descriptions/tools about myself,
*1 blog I adore so much I would like everyone else to follow (it's only 26 new amazing blogs to add to your list if you haven't already),
*1, 2015 novel.
*Which all start with the letter of the day or as close as I could get.
Simple, fast posts so you can read, comment, and move on to the next A to Z blogger. Enjoy!
Randomness about Myself
2015 Book

The Prey (The Hatchery #1) by Tom Isbell
A hot debut trilogy and a riveting story of survival, courage, and romance in a future where creating a master civilization is the only thing prized, no matter the method. After the Omega (the end of the end), 16 year old guys known as LTs discover their overseers are raising them not to be soldiers (lieutenants) as promised, but to be sold as bait because of their Less Than status and hunted for sport. They escape and join forces with a girls’ camp, the Sisters, who have been imprisoned and experimented on for the "good of the Republic," by a government eager to use twins in their dark research. In their plight for freedom, these heroes must find the best in themselves to fight against the worst in their enemies.
That book looks like it might be pretty good. Different too.
ReplyDeleteGreat blog choice. Love me some Pearson Report.
2015 A to Z Challenge Ambassador
That book looks like it might be pretty good. Different too.
ReplyDeleteGreat blog choice. Love me some Pearson Report.
2015 A to Z Challenge Ambassador
Ah, pizza... Check out my daughter's post today about that:
ReplyDeleteI love to paint. And I love pizza. Think I'll paint a pizza today.
ReplyDeleteI wish I were a better photographer. I should've taken one of those adult ed photography classes before the kids came along. Now there's never enough time. :)
ReplyDeleteWhat about Pizza Pinterests? lol