What a lovely start to a new work week... I guess. I mean I HAVE to be here right?
To for EYM lets talk about TV Shows.
Jackie and I would like to know: What are the top 5 TV Shows you are currently watching lately?
Not of all time but right now.
American Horror Story: Coven
The Walking Dead
Sleepy Hollow
Witches of East End
These above are the ones that are on TV RIGHT NOW. However, I am anticipating the final season of True Blood, and the upcoming new show, Almost Human.
Now, lets have a little fun shall we. I present the SEVEN DEADLY SINS...
Seven great things in your life:
1. My husband
2. Son #1
3. Daughter #1
4. Son #2
5. Daughter #2
6. Job security
7. Health
Seven things you lack and covet:
1. To finish my Criminal Justice degree
2. A closet that would pick out my clothes for me.
3. An awesome wardrobe.
4. My novel published.
5. A Gran Torino
6. An endless gas card
7. To be a paid blogger – but still blog about thing I want to blog about
Seven things that make you angry:
1. Ignorance – this covers a wide range from racism, respecting someone else, bullying, harassment, etc.
2. A-hole drivers – sometimes this includes me
3. The disregard for human life
4. Self-image in society
5. How much entertainers and athletes are paid! It’s ridiculous!!
6. Famine
7. That I don’t own my own island. Grrrr
Seven things that you neglect to do:
1. Laundry – I forget it’s in the washer so I have to wash it again. Or dry it cause I’m too lazy to fold it.
2. Reply back to emails and texts
3. Sweep the floors
4. Visit my family often
5. Dinner on a daily basis, however the kids like “fend for yourself” nights
6. Things I said I would do in a timely manner
7. Take care of my body better
Seven worldly material desires:
1. A zombie proof mansion
2. Again… my own island that houses my mansion
3. A Yacht to get back and forth from said island
4. Lots of clothes and shoes for everyone in my family
5. Survival gear including hunting gear – for any social fallout (lol)
6. And of course lots of money… because all of the above cannot pay for itself
7. Did I mention fully stocked supplies to last for years?
Seven guilty pleasures:
1. A really great intimate moment – the kind that takes your breath away
2. Internet
3. Horror films
4. Being lazy – sometimes I could watch paint dry - seriously
5. Mountain Dew or a really great Pumpkin Spice Latte
6. Reading
7. Watching TV
Seven things you love about love:
1. Having those moments you remember why you fell in love in the first place
2. When you catch them staring at you
3. The security you can only feel with that someone special
4. Little gestures; hold hands, playing with hair, caress cheek, smack fanny (lol), etc
5. When you can smother them to death with kisses and they put up with it when they are watching football (hehe)
6. Knowing someone always has your back
7. When something happens to you in which you should be mad but you’re not, however, they are because they know you are hurting so they feel protective. (My husband does that a lot. It’s cute.)
Have a great Monday!!