
Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Express Yourself - Purse/Wallet Contents

Express Yourself is a weekly Meme dedicated to getting to know YOU better.

Jackie and myself what to know:

What do you carry around in your purse or wallet?

I was unable to attach the pictures I took with the contents of my purse because my camera on my phone is being a complete b!tch about it. Soooo... I will explain what I have and attach online pictures (all of which are from the company websites).

1. My purse is a Cross-the-body 31 purse. Color classic gray.
2. My wallet is a Vera Bradley coin purse...
3. I carry around two sets of keys. This way I can start my Jeep to warm it up on cold mornings and still be able to lock my front door.

4. Work badge, Checkbook, Bath & Body Twilight Woods lotion and VanillaMint lip shine, Maybelline concealer, Asthma meds, 3 pens, and Post-its, bandaids, Tylenol, and Cough Drops fill my purse.

5. And last but not least... my Cell Phone, case and all.

There you have it... my purse in a post. And if you'd like to join our Meme, click here!


  1. I swear this is the third time I'm typing my reply and if it doesn't work, I'm not doing it again. The first time time it didn't go through was my fault. The 2nd time I don't know why/what happened. Ugh.

    Cute purse. (Geez, I feel weird saying that for the 3rd time now. Like, yeah, we've heard it already.)

    (Always) Contents of my purse: wallet, 1-2 pens/pencils, little notebook
    (Sometimes) Contents of my purse: sunglasses, phone
    (What I never have when I need it) Contents of my purse: chapstick, lotion, stun gun for when the kids act up
    K. Just seeing if you're still with me on that one. Although I do wish I had one. :)

  2. The last time I tried to post pictures on my blog blogger got bitchy, not my phone. But same result: no pics. Sigh.

    I appreciate the cross-the shoulder approach. I myself opted for a straight-up backpack after my chiopractor gave me greif about my last bag.

  3. You really went all out Dani. No pics in mine but you did yours very well.

  4. I love how you have post-its in your purse!

  5. Love your coin purse! And, I'm sorry to say, even cell phone cameras can have their days! But wonderful "inside the purse" post anyway. :) Writer’s Mark

  6. I love Vanilla Mint lip shine so much that I have to reapply it A LOT! hehe!

  7. I really need to get a purse. *sigh* A man's wallet just can't compete.


I heart me some good comments... and pumpkin spice latte's too!