
Friday, February 1, 2013

Celebrate the Small Things

Once again, VikLit @ Scribblings of an Aspiring Author weekly Meme Celebrate the Small Things is upon us, which means it's Friday. Woo-to-the-freakin'-hoo!

Each Friday, post in your blog something you wish to celebrate achieving / doing that week. It can be anything from writing to reading to a simple life thing as cleaning out a sock drawer.

This week I celebrate...
  • Actually enjoying this week. I had a good week even though I stayed home with vertigo yesterday (no biggie - to happens with sudden weather change and my inner ears). It's nice to look back on a week and think 'Huh, nothing dramatic happened. Everything went off w/out a hitch. Life is good!'
  • Being home yesterday led me to Amazon which led me to ordering a new case for my iPhone, a new case for my sons iPhone (one of those that looks like an old game boy) and two new cases for my daughters iPod (she turns 13 on Monday so they are for her bday). Plus I downloaded 6 or 7 new kindle books! Yay for new reads!
  • I'm still a little dizzy but I made it back to work and I'm blogging - you can't ask for anything more than feeling better.
So how are you doing this week? Come celebrate the small things!

Next week starts the new month of Express Yourself Meme. Go here and sign up if you haven't already and read what it's all about. Don't forget you only need to SIGN UP ONCE. No need to sign up each week. Once you've done it, you're in my friend. Here is February's weekly topic badge...

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend. I will be celebrating a NEW teenagers birthday by taking her shopping.


  1. Sorry you've not been feeling well, vertigo is horrid! I'm glad you found some things to celebrate, though!

  2. Vertigo is nasty. I hope you feel better soon. In any case, it sounds you had fun in Amazon. Now to read!

  3. I've had bouts of vertigo usually after flying and they are never fun! Glad you had a great week and can celebrate that-

  4. Way to keep going through the vertigo! I hope you feel completely well soon.

  5. Glad you had a good week. Sorry about the vertigo.

  6. Sorry about the vertigo, but way to go on the new reads! Glad you're feeling better!

  7. Yikes for the vertigo!
    Glad it was a relatively good week ;)

  8. Congrats on having a good week! I definitely want to remember to participate in Express Yourself this month!! Hope you feel even better next week. :)

  9. I am glad the dizzy got a bit better!YAY for new reads indeed! Thanks for celebrating! :)

  10. Here's to your weekend! No vertigo, I hope! And a good find on Amazon...very cool!

  11. I do like it when people make the best out of an otherwise would-be-horrible time. I'm glad you enjoyed your day and got some shopping in as well!

    I love your finger characters! Do you mind if I Pinterest them? There're hilarious.

  12. I am glad you got rid of the vertigo!! And nothing going wrong during the week is always something to be happy about! Have a nice weekend! :)

  13. Sorry about the vertigo, but yay for the presents and the new books! I'm sure your daughter will be thrilled with her new cover, and I hope you enjoy the books! :-)

  14. My sister suffered with vertigo... I can remember she didn't even want to drive around on her own... hope you have a vertigo-free weekend!
    Yay for downloading new books for your Kindle!

  15. My vertigo usually follows several glasses of wine. :)

  16. Boo on vertigo! And look at you brush it off like it's no big deal. Pffft. Crazy--I'm so sorry! :/

  17. I don't know how you keep up with all of this blog stuff you do. I'm just too damn tired to even try.
    Keep it up though! I still like to read it!


I heart me some good comments... and pumpkin spice latte's too!