
Friday, January 30, 2015

Fast Five - Authors

Fast Five Friday is a weekly blog hop created by, us, Cover Girls. Its purpose is to connect with writers, readers, viewers, and bloggers. With that aim in mind, we would love for you to join us! 
We're suckers for lists, so we thought it'd be cool to do a weekly blog hop where we list things. We've provided the topics for each week below, with five being the focus . 
You're not required to post every week. You can pick and choose which topics you'd like to participate in. 
Whatever topics you decide to do, please include the link to your Fast Five Friday post in the comments section of our FFF post each week, so we can stop by and show our FFF love to you!
Click here for info --> Cover Girls
Jan. 30: Five Favorite Authors
I enjoy many MANY authors' works but the ones above are the ones who stick out in my mind the most. Their noveltry (that's on purpose) is unique and imaginative, pulls you in, makes you feel as though you are truly living the words on the paper!


  1. This is a good list! Good luck on your Fast Friday blog hop!

  2. That is a really good list. J.K. would make mine too.


I heart me some good comments... and pumpkin spice latte's too!