
Friday, August 8, 2014

EYM July & First in Aug

July 21-25: What are some fave items you have that bring you comfort and/or special memories?

Pictures. I LOVE my pictures. I can sit for hours looking thru old pictures and remembering those moments as if I was there again.

I also have a few of my brothers’ things that I adore.


July 28- Aug. 1: Who would you choose to portray you in a movie?

Jackie and I shared who we thought you be great to portray the other person just to bounce ideas off of each other. The person I chose for myself id Melissa McCarthy. My life is a walking sitcom at times and I think she would be great and hilarious playing me. Jackie said Kelly Overton who played Rikki (a werewolf & Alcide’s love interest) on True Blood. She says Kelly resembles me which is a huge compliment! Jackie also said Milla Jovovich cause of the kickbutt characters she portray. Totally compliment there too!!


Aug. 4-8: Who were your celebrity crushes when you were a teen?

In the 80’s & 90’s I had posters and pictures of all of my fave celebrities plastered from ceiling to floor on one wall.

Jared Leto, KNOTB, the London’s brothers, Keanu Reeves, Freddie Prince Jr., Rob Lowe, Kirk Cameron, River Phoenix, Johnny Depp, Luke Perry, Andrew Keegan. Marky Mark… err, I should really stop.

However, my top hotties from the 90’s have always been: Heath Ledger, Leo DiCaprio & Josh Hartnett (yes, I still drool)

Do you have any childhood celebrity crushes you wanna share with us?

1 comment:

  1. I could definitely see you being Melissa McCarthy and Mila Jovovich's love child. lol


I heart me some good comments... and pumpkin spice latte's too!