
Wednesday, April 24, 2013

U - Unfair, Ultraviolet, BLOGFEST Unveiled

Everyone loves a Hero but there are some of us who also love a great Villain. Jackie and I thought, What a great idea! Let’s find out who else admires Heroes and Villains in the blogosphere!

And voila!

Heroes & Villains Blogfest was born. 

  • On June 6th post who your favorite Heroes, and yes, your favorite Villains are.
  • You may list as many, or as little, as you like.
  • Be creative with it: videos, art, pictures, lists, etc.
  • And most of all - HAVE FUN!
I know there has been a couple for Blogfests mentioned during AtoZ and May is already seeming busy, and the last thing you want to do after the AtoZ Challenge is a ton of fests/hops. This is why Jackie and I decided to wait until June to host our mega fun fest.

Sign up below and share with us some of your favorite H&V's!

Check out what book cover this little cut out comes from over at Cover Girls 
Blog Feature:

My #warriorminion sistas!
The Warrior Muse - Co-host

See you tomorrow


  1. Poor Shel. Every apartment should allow pets.

  2. Sometimes life is so unfair.

  3. My daughter feels the same way about the poem, but in our case, it's her father who she considers to be unfair for not letting her have a pet. He has no use for them. Maybe she should write a poem. :D

  4. I think the Villain and Hero blogfest is a great idea with plenty of time to recover from April. I'm in :D.

  5. I think it will come as no surprise who my fav hero is, but I'm in!!

  6. What a fun blogfest! I'm not sure I could pick a favorite hero or villain. There are so many amazing ones, and I'm always meeting more. I'm looking forward to seeing who people pick though. ;)

  7. Oh that blogfest sounds like fun! Great to see some coming up for the summer. :)

  8. I'll have to check back with this to see if I can swing the blogfest.

  9. I'm with Shel. I hate it when places don't allow pets.

  10. Aw unfair is sad and that cover is cool.

  11. Sounds like a great theme for a blog fest....count me in :)

  12. Hi Dani. I see you've picked up your award at my place already. ;) I'm in on the fest and...I may have already decided who I'm posting. I think you are very wise to schedule it for June.

  13. Sounds like a fun blogfest. I'm in.

  14. Poor puppies. I have a place they can live! LOL

  15. It's good to have so much time to think up some good, I mean BAD, villains. Sound like some good fun going on.

  16. I can not imagine a life without sad. Great cover choice. And the blogfest sounds like fun!

  17. The Heroes and Villains blogfest sounds like a blast. I've signed up.

  18. Sounds like a fun blogfest, can't wait :)

  19. Ooh, fun! :D

    That's a very pretty cover, too!

  20. Heroes and Villains rock in their own right. I can't wait to see what everybody shares!

    And lovely cover, love the color. I love when a cover speaks its name ;-)


I heart me some good comments... and pumpkin spice latte's too!