
Friday, March 1, 2013

Back From the Future, List of Joy, Celebrate the Small Things

G'Friday to you all!
You’re up before dawn on a Saturday when the doorbell rings. You haven’t brewed your coffee so you wonder if you imagined the sound. Plonking the half-filled carafe in the sink, you go to the front door and cautiously swing it open. No one there. As you cast your eyes to the ground, you see a parcel addressed to you … from you.
You scoop it up and haul it inside, sensing something legitimate despite the extreme oddness of the situation. Carefully, you pry it open. Inside is a shoebox — sent from ten years in the future — and it’s filled with items you have sent yourself.
What’s in it?
·         A copy of my first published novel
·         A family picture
·         And a letter explaining how my life turned out. How I need to not worry so much. That God will take care of everything and lead me and family down the right path. That my children have turned out to be great kids and that all of my worrying was for nothing.
o   Side note: I got a little teary-eyed just thinking about it.
·         Maybe winning lotto numbers 4, 8, 15, 16, 23, and 42 – (let's see who gets this)

Apocalyptic Future – because this is for fun right:
·         A map to a isolate location – preferably in the middle of nowhere
·         Winning numbers to the next big lottery so I can buy supplies needed for apocalypse – duh!
·         Blue Prints of compound to build
·         List of people to recruit/save
o   Family – duh
o   Engineers
o   Mechanics
o   Botanists
o   Doctor
o   A few military friends
o   Teacher
·         Supplies/food/weapons needed to procure before end of days hits.

Also, today, Kyra Lennon and Clare Dugmore are hosting The Bloghop of Joy! Post your List of Joy – with a minimum of FIVE things that put a spring back in your step!
1.       Summer Breeze by Seals and Croft
2.       Sweet Home Alabama by Lynyard Skynyard
3.       The sound of Locusts in the trees
4.       Frogs croaking – not the slang term for dying – lol
5.       My kids laughter
6.       The sound and smell of the ocean
7.       Sun-showers – when it rains while the sun is still shinning
8.       My toes in sand
9.       The sun on my skin
10.   Laughing so hard my stomach hurts

Celebrating the Small Things is also important! VikLit @ Scribblings of an Aspiring Author is always interested in what we have done during our busy week...
·         I listened to book 2 (audio); Fever of the Chemical Garden series by Lauren DeStefano.
·         Read Zom-B by Darren Shan
·         #amreading Ashen Winter by Mike Mullin
·         Signed up for RunForYourLife 5k zombie run in June, Urban Adventures Bike Race in July, and Color Me Rad 5k in August. So excited!!
·         I won an audio copy of Splintered and swag pack over at The Valentines blog!! Go visit the author's of 2014!
Have an awesome Friday!


  1. Good job with the blog fests today. After reading a few of the Back from the Future posts I think mine is going to stand out as quite different. I've written a little flash fiction rather than made a list.
    As far as I can see nobody else has done that yet, oops ...

  2. Of course, we have some similar answers :)
    And love the "lost" numbers. I miss that show. :(
    Congrats on the swag gift!

  3. Glad to see teachers on your list on people to save.
    Have a beautiful spring!

  4. Wow. Lots of bloghops. I was lazy, didn't do any this time. I'm glad to see that you are planning for an apocalyptic future. You never know what might happen. :)

  5. Yeah it would be amazing to be pre-warned for an apocalyptic future.

    Great joy list too. :-)

  6. Sweet list Dani- That's the only way to laugh, so hard your stomach hurts! Sand between my toes, is the best feeling. It's summer and it's warm, we are on the beach having fun and you just know it's going to be a great day!

  7. The sun is a good one- I love that feeling!
    Have a great Friday!

  8. I liked your Apocalyptic future package...I hadn't thought of that.

    Great entry! :)

  9. Goodness! That's some list! Kudos to you for doing three blogfests!
    ~Just Jill

  10. Congrats Dani and that's quite a bit you've posted today.

  11. A lot of people have mentioned lotto numbers but you're the first I've seen whose posted the actual winners.

  12. Here's to all of your blog hops! Loved your Small Things to celebrate.

  13. Alternate futures, very nice. You and I are on the same wave length w/ your bullet point #3 (reality). Thanks for working all these fests into one day!

  14. Just dropping by from the Blog hop of Joy. Number 9 I can definitely relate to. :3

  15. LOST numbers???
    I thought about googling it but that would be cheating. I *think* I'm right though ;)

  16. Great additions to all three blog hopes!!! I love sand between my toes and sun on my skin . . .makes me relax just thinking about it.
    Love the letter to yourself from the Back to the Future fest!

  17. Wow you are busy today! I too love the smell of the ocean and I know what you mean about sunshine and rain.

  18. Congrats on all your 5K sign ups.

    Your apocalypse is very amusing. Great planning.

    Sun is wonderful.

  19. I love that you also planned for an apocalyptic future. :D I bet you love survival kits as much as I do:)


  20. Great choices! My toes in sand is one thing that should have gone on my list!

    Thanks for joining in with the hop!

  21. A zombie fun?! Sounds FUN!!

    And the LOST WINNING NO'S! OMG that so has to happen. Did you see when there was that big lotto in the states, Damon Lindelof of Lost played those numbers?

  22. Wow, congrats on the 5K sign-ups and best of luck! I love the song Summer Breeze and haven't heard it in years. You've got me singing it in my head now. :)

  23. Well, you'll certainly be prepared for the worst!

  24. I love your list of joyfulness... sand between the toes, aah!
    Congrats on your swag pack and the upcoming races!

  25. You softy you! And yes...I got the LOST numbers! :)

  26. Hey Dani!

    I forgot the Back to the Future Hop, but it's been a busy week. Can I play your numbers?

    Love you joyful things and a zombie run -- AWESOME!

  27. I opened mine and it said you had better pay that because in two weeks they are coming to pick up your car!

  28. Great joy list. :)
    My husband is doing a zombie run this summer, too. He's still trying to talk me into it. :)

  29. Great post, Dani! Your joy list makes me long for summer. Good luck on your zombie run, and I think your future self is super smart. :)

  30. A lof of literary things going on here! Congrats on your win. First that I've heard of an audio book giveaway. Great idea. I love audio books.

  31. I love Sweet Home Alabama too. And I like that you catered for the apocalypse - I wasn't that organised!

  32. You sure squeezed a lot into this one post, but you managed to do a great job with all three parts. Sending yourself the winning lottery ticket numbers was a good idea. Once you collect, you can do whatever you want, right? But I'm afraid I'm (ahem) LOST as to the significance of those numbers.

    A sun-shower. I never considered what to call them before, but they really are wonderful, aren't they? Better yet, they usually include a bonus rainbow. And we can never have too many rainbows.

    Nice to meetcha. Count me in as your newest groupie.

  33. I love the sun and the sand. Plus, I'm glad the frogs were making noise and not dying.

  34. Congrats on the win! Lot people including God and the laughter of children in their bloghops!

  35. Really liking the separate boxes- I have a few military friends but I'n not sure how I'd get them in the shoe box! Lots of fun- and every confidence in your children turning out fine :-)

  36. Aha, I get it. I've always wanted to use those numbers but don't dare, because of the bad luck!

  37. Thanks for taking part in the bloghop; great list. I'd love to live by the sea, and nothing beats kids' laughter.

  38. Ooo, this is really good. Love all the bloghops going on :)


I heart me some good comments... and pumpkin spice latte's too!