
Friday, January 18, 2013

Misha Gerske Wants Award Noms

I'm just blog-roaming on this cold Friday morning. Trying not to let my 4th head cold of the season get me down. When I came upon Misha Gerske blog and thought I'd help spread the word...

Misha is posting/talking about how she wants to do award ceremonies to pay things forward to other bloggers. Also, to make others aware of some amazing blogs out in Bloggerville.

Seven AMAZING people volunteered some prizes to pay forward. Misha will announce them next week.

With her prize, there will be a total of eight, so she decided to announce four categories this month so the winner and runner up can both win something.

These will be January's categories (in no particular order):

Most Encouraging Blogger
Best Reviewer
Best Writing and/or Inspirational Post
Beginner with Most Potential


Please note: She will NOT be accepting nominations in the comments section as the links will probably shoot her spam filter to shreds. BUT, you can tell her what you think of this idea and which categories you want to see next month. She wants to make sure she's running something people will enjoy.

Please spread the word about this, because on Monday, she will announce the nominees, prizes and sponsors. She needs you all to vote for the winners.
Hope everyone has a great Friday and weekend and go check out what Misha is doing!


I heart me some good comments... and pumpkin spice latte's too!