
Saturday, April 28, 2012

No A to Z post today... Bloghops & Blogfests

I will be doing both Y and Z posts on Monday. Why? Today I am in need of relaxation and warmth. I'm getting a cold and its plain ol freezing outside and I can't turn on the fireplace because some damn robin planted her nest right on top of the exhaust outside (or whatever it's called). Not only that but ALL of my A to Z posts are at work and I have some good ones for Y and don't want to eff it up.

Hope you all have a great weekend!

See you all Monday for the last A to Z Challenge post.
::sad face::

But don't cry... Sara McClung is hosting a month long Monday - Friday blogfest for the month of May. Called ...

I know you are all thinking... Are you serious! Another month long bloghop? Yes I am. This one is very different from the AWESOME A to Z Challenge. It's more personal and a get-to-know your fellow blogosphere bloggers.

Then May 3rd, 5th & 7th is another bloghop

We've all had those manuscripts that we poured our heart into, fell in love with the characters and still think of them at random, but unfortunately had to shelf. Now it's time for a little spring cleaning. Take out those manuscripts and Dust It Off!

May 7th is A to Z Reflection day.
The following is from Blogging fron A to Z blogpage:

You can tell us what you thought were the highlights of your April Challenge, what you learned, what changes you might make next time, or what surprised you most. Let us know about special bloggers you met in your A to Z journey or about a post or posts that especially moved or impressed you. There are no limits as to what your Challenge experience might have been so tell us in your best way how you felt about the April A to Z Challenge of 2012.

We do ask that you keep your posts no more than a thousand words. There will probably be a lot of blogs to read so we don't want to bog anyone down with exceedingly long posts.

As I've said, the Blogging from A to Z Challenge Reflections Posts of 2012 will start on Monday May 7th. The Linky list will go up on that day so you can enter the link for that post on the list. For those who already have blogfests or something else planned for that day, don't worry--the list will be open for the entire week so you can publish your Reflections post anytime that week and still participate. That list should also be accessible until the end of the year along with the A to Z Master List.

Oh you think I'm done? Well I'm not.
May 9th is the...

Post pics, tell funniest stories, and there are prizes!

No, oh no, I'm not done.
May 14th is...
It is what it says... Post about your firsts.

If you want/need the deets on these bloghops just click on the banners and BAM!


  1. Lmao, that is a lot of bloghops! I don't think I can deal with another month long hop - but I am signed up for a few of the others. :D

    Hope you feel better soon!

  2. Sounds like you'll be pretty busy!

  3. Geeze, so many blog hops, so little time. I'm participating in at least one. lol

  4. Hi...I'm hopping over from the A to Z Challenge. Can you believe the challenge is almost over? Lovely blog...good luck with future posts!

    Donna L Martin

  5. Hello Danielle beautiful space, a pleasure to read your letters,
    if you like the poetry I invite you to my spaces,
    Happy Sunday.
    a greeting.

  6. Only one more day to go. Thanks for sharing your May dates. Me--I'll be back to my writing.


I heart me some good comments... and pumpkin spice latte's too!