
Monday, February 6, 2012

Blogspiration #4

Blogspiration is a brand-new weekly meme hosted by GrowingUpYA and Saz101. The meme was created to help spark inspiration among bloggers, readers and writers alike. An inspirational quote/picture/video  is posted weekly, on the day of the author's choosing, so that it may inspire creativity, conversation or just a little SOMETHING.
I have plenty of bookish blogspirations but this week I wanted to share a picture that my kids stumbled upon while doing a PA (Public Announcement) for Black History Month. They were to find a picture/video/quote that associates them with BHM. HOWEVER I think this picture speaks volumnes - let's say a 1000 words -
and should be used all year long.

Hope I haven't offended anyone. Have a great week. Until next blogspiration...


  1. I'm happy you enjoyed my picture. I love your blogspiration. It really does say so much for such a simple picture. Great pic for BHM. Thanks for sharing.

    Jennifer @ Reading and Writing Urban Fantasy and Paranormal Romance

    1. I liked yours so much I added to my blog page and added you link to it!

      Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Wow... Danielle, that's not offensive, that's amazing.
    It speaks so SO many words, and just... wow. THANK YOU for sharing this one *hugs*

    1. Good... I'm so happy you liked it. I was nervous. You never know how people are going to take things now-a-days.

      *squeezing back*

  3. I love this picture!! I wish I could take pics like THAT :) It's really really beautiful! :)

    1. I thought so too. When I seen it, I just stared at it; unable to find words to express what I was feeling. Pictures are blessings.

      Thanks for stopping by!


I heart me some good comments... and pumpkin spice latte's too!